Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Arab Spring" = "RemDawg Spring"

Dawg, Is spraining your foot on the stairs baseball code for kicking a Mexican stripper in the face?

Also, we all know you've been busy messing with Bashar Al-Assad this winter. You going to be back in the booth in time for Detroit? Jim, Pembroke

Listen Tim, 
These pampered players who miss three weeks with a raspberry on their thigh are now lugging boxes up stairs?  Back in the day, Steinbrenner's Yankees were well cared for.  He had no fewer than 4 amazonian hookers on call to help his players move.  Derek Jeter doesn't even carry his own wallet, and Mo physically can't carry his own wallet.  I think the Big Stein's kids are shrinking the payroll and pretty soon the Yankees will be taking a bus to Cleveland. 

Let's just say "Arab Spring" could have been called "RemDawg Spring" It was a good year in the CIA super secret spy business.  We finally got to analize Khaddafi with a bayonet and don't think that creep from Egypt hasn't been handed the slipperiest bar of soap in the clink.  If I were Bashar Al-Assad, I would get "Ass" out of my name real quick, because I'm sure there's a 350 pound inmate named Leon who is counting the days before he can tear that exotic skinny boy up.  He will put the Bash Ass in Bashar Al-Assad.
Okay Gotta run, some Yemeni douchenozzle needs my eyes on him. Here We Go Red Sox.

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