Funny how quickly things can change.
One day I'm selling Hot Dogs at Fenway and admiring one of Don's suits, the next day I'm perched atop a tall tree holding a sniper rifle in the Angolan Forest waiting for Malo Blanco to make his next move. This gig is getting a little tired. There's only so much tracking and assassinating a guy can do before he's ready to get back to what he does best; schlocking 3 dollar t-shirts for 35 bucks. Let's face it, I might be helping my country here, but who's promoting the Rem Dawg's hot dogs? I got word last night that a crazed meth addict broke into the hot dog shop and did a lot of damage
(turns out it was Curtis Leskanic after celebrating Beckett's last win with an all night bender). These are the things that don't happen when the dawg is there to guard his dogs. Of course,
a diabolical African dictator is like a paralyzed mouse compared to Lescanik plus alcohol plus Beckett.Okay, gotta go squeeze off a round - before he's out of range. -Dawg
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