Dawg, Is it wrong that I immediately began calling her the Black Squirrel?
No, she is black and they call her a squirrel. You just put two and two together and got two.
What is wrong was the promo NBC ran right after she got the gold with a monkey doing gymnastics. Nice timing soulless network. #thanksNBC
What is right is watching 16 year old Russian girls cry. There's something special about Russian Olympic tears that harkens back to the days of my youth. I will never forget when those Commie bastards dropped from the sky and took our cities by force. My friends and I were forced to run to the mountains and wage guerrilla warfare. We surprised the Russians and had them on the run, but we were just kids...scared kids.... I've had Red Dawn stuck on a loop since they added it to Netflix streaming. -XXOO, go Team -D

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