Manny!?!?!!??! -Joe, The Town
I know you hated every second of Manny Ramirez. He didn't hustle, wasn't a "dirt dog", never cared more than he cared about waitresses, cars and haircuts. Goofing with Pedro? Pointing at Papi? H.O.F. or not, he'll always be Boston's #1 wingnut, batshit crazy left fielder. If Bill Lee is pitching in the deranged Red Sox Old Timers game, Manny is surely in left field, baggy ass pants, picking daisies, taking his sweet ass time to do whatever the hell he feels like.
I'm really happy that Manny can take his sweet time to do whatever he wants. Nobody will be asking him why he didn't hustle to the fridge or run out the cookies.
I'm glad Manny was part of the 2004 Sox. Cheers #24, 'Dawg
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