Do you know who I am? You don't know anything about me problems. (swig o' scotch). FU Perro. -Miguwfwd..
I understand, Jefe. Alcoholism (among other things) runs in Dawg's family. The first step is admitting you have a problem, but I would never admit that. First off, get a driver you idiot. I made 32k a year my first year in the bigs and I had a GD driver.
You make half the GDP of the Dominican Republic and don't have a car service? Go ahead and drink till your liver falls out. Mantle did it, and you seem to be able to handle it through the course of a baseball season. So don't be a quitter, but don't be a moron either. Look to Charlie, he seems to be dishing out all kinds of good advice to drinkers, crackheads and meth addicts across America. -
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