I write to you imbedded deep in North Korea, so I have to be brief. First off - Wikileaks. Is anyone surpised that Qaddafi was nailing a bimbo? Like he's batshit crazy but a faithful husband? Come on. Or that Iran is devious? Or Saudi Arabia is playing both sides against the middle? What kind of spying is going on here?
Thankfully, they have me working for them now so our leaked information should get much more interesting. For instance, did you know Kim Jong Il wears women's underwear, and bathes in baked beans every night? His son plays with army men and has a penchant for deep fried snickers bars. There's a lot more I'll let Wikileaks leak to you, I don't want to lose anyone a job!
On to more pressing matters of national interest. LeBron. I wonder if he's regretting his decision yet. The Heat have been manhandled by the good teams in the East and look a lot like a mediocre team. In fact, the triple threat looks like they are already out of gas. Bosh is too thin underneath. Wade all of a sudden looks like Scottie Pippen without Michael Jordan and LeBron looks like he's frustrated. What do you expect from a team coached by a 19 year old model?
I'm sure those guys are having a blast in warm Miami, meanwhile, Kevin Garnett and the Celtics are hungry and angry and are set not to be upstaged.
Okay, gotta run and watch this idiot fill his bathtub with beans.